Stand By What You Want

“Never settle for less than what you want…or that’s exactly what you’re going to get.”

A wise friend spoke those words to me once when I was dating a really good guy who just didn’t do it for me. I wasn’t excited, I wasn’t engaged, and I wanted to feel those things when I was with someone.  

Yes, it was uncomfortable to break things off with him, because he was genuinely hurt – and that’s exactly why I had been putting off my “no.” I was more concerned with managing his feelings than honoring mine.

And yet, when we don’t honor our own feelings we can never honor someone else, because we’re not coming from our authentic hearts. Oftentimes, we are operating from fear - in my case, it was the fear of hurting a really nice guy. I met my beloved (my “YES!”) only after I learned how to honor my “No’s.”

When we stay in our hearts and stand by what we want, everything can blossom: romantic relationships, family, career, life purpose, health – you name it. We each have an inner roadmap that will lead us straight to our highest growth in any area of life…If we only listen to it.

Are you standing by what you want in your life right now? I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below!

Love and light to all of you,


Christina McMahon is a love coach and certified somatic counselor. Over the past seven years, she has helped hundreds of conscious singles remove inner barriers to love and step into the love life they desire and deserve. 

Schedule your free consult call for love coaching with Christina’s Client Care Specialist here, and discover if love coaching is the right path to your Big Love.