Date without the hassles of dating. Date for your soulmate.
Has anyone told you that “Dating is a numbers game?” Well, they’re wrong.
You probably already know how wrong they are. You know how frustrating it feels to swipe on the dating apps all day long, constantly “put yourself out there” to people who don’t even bother to text back, and leave every date feeling disappointed that once again it didn’t work out.
The “numbers” approach to dating is actually harmful. You'll drain all of your energy meeting up with people who aren't even close to a match for you, which only takes you farther away from your actual love match.
Get there quicker. When you join my “Opening to Sacred Love” online program, you’ll learn how to get targeted with dating - then watch your love life take off.

Listen, no one had “dating burnout” more than me.
Two decades of it, actually. Throughout my 20s and 30s, I flitted from one “wrong fit” to the next. I was a successful, driven career woman, yet I felt completely defeated by love.
If this is where you are with dating, I get it. I know how much your soul longs for a loving partnership, because mine did too.
When I finally learned that the kinds of men I was attracting were a reflection of how unworthy I felt on the inside, I went on a mission to turn things around.
Well, I did. I’m now happily married to my sacred partner Darrin, the kindest, most heart-centered, and handsomest man I have ever met. And I know I’m worthy of him.
My journey to love was so rich and so deeply healing that I vowed to share it with the world. That’s exactly what I’ve done in my “Opening to Sacred Love” online program.

Because if you want different results with dating, you have to learn how to date differently.
It’s not just about changing your behavioral patterns and choices. You also need to shift the energy and the approach you are bringing to dating. As a trained counselor and energy healer, that’s exactly what I can help you with.
My “Opening to Sacred Love” online program walks you through both inner prep and outer steps.
You’ll start with the deep inner work of opening yourself up for love - how to set a strong intention, boost your worthiness, clear out your past, and create a specific vision for your future with love.
Then you’ll do the outer work of bringing that vision into your life - how to put yourself in a “high vibration” for love, how to date in a targeted way for your sacred partner, how to prepare for a first encounter with someone new, and how to get back on track for love after a disappointment.
In 7 online modules packed with videos, audio lessons, written content, guided meditations, and daily practices, you’ll discover that your journey to love can be just as fun and exhilarating as your destination.
Most importantly, you’ll be supported and guided every step of the way - which will maximize your chances of finding the love you’ve been longing for your whole life. You got this!
Step One – Join my online program “Opening to Sacred Love” today!
Step Two – Within 24 hours, you’ll receive a welcome email with a unique password and link for the “Opening to Sacred Love” program website.
Step Three – Your welcome email will also grant you membership in my exclusive Facebook page, and one 15-minute private phone session with me as your bonus for joining the program.
Step Four – Go through the program at your own pace. This is your love story, after all. You’re the star, and you’re in control.

Get started today, and get ready for BIG change!

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