The Sacred Love Circle—a 5-month support circle for all female-identifying gender expressions already familiar with the Opening to Sacred Love program, ready to deepen their journey into conscious dating and calling in their sacred match— all while doing it in community.
The Sacred Love Circle—a 5-month support circle for all female-identifying gender expressions already familiar with the Opening to Sacred Love program, ready to deepen their journey into conscious dating and calling in their sacred match— all while doing it in community.
Embark on a transformative journey towards love and sacred partnership with my Starter Love Assessment package. This mini package is designed to help you gain clarity, reflect on your relational history, and identify the key love milestones needed to find deep, lasting love.
This 30-Day Love Visualization Kit includes: an introduction and glossary that spells out how to do the daily practices, a colorful calendar with weekly affirmations and daily visualizations, and a list of action steps that will help you bring your love visualization into “real life.” Get started today!
FREE "Bundle of Love Meditations" – My Gift to You with the Purchase of the 30-Day Visualization Calendar!
You can probably sense that there’s a soulmate out there for you – someone who lights you up, really sees you, gets you, and loves you to pieces for exactly who you are. So why does dating feel so frustrating?
This powerful bundle of 15 guided meditations will help you get at the core of what’s blocking you in your heart and your energy field. If you’re ready for a breakthrough, start here!
The “Opening to Sacred Love” program is designed to give conscious singles like you all the tools you need to find deep, lasting love, with someone who fits your soul perfectly.