You won't Believe what worked for these clients who found love… Valentine’s Day success stories
I once got dumped over email on Valentine's Day.😢
It's true. We were supposed to have a romantic weekend together, and I was even going to take him home to meet my parents.
There I was in my college apartment, waiting and waiting for him to show up.
This was before cell phones, but my landline sure wasn't ringing.
Confused, I booted up my old desktop and checked my email.
There it was, with the subject line: "Happy Valentine's Day."
Yeah, he did. Wished me a Happy V-Day in the same email he dumped me.😡
He told me that Valentine's Day has too many "weird strings" attached and "it's better if we hang out as friends from now on."
Devastated doesn't begin to describe how I felt.
So. Done. With. This.
Done with poor treatment from men – like my feelings didn't matter, like I didn't matter.
I’d like to say that I turned everything around, then and there.
But if you know anything about my love story, you also know that it took me 20 more years to turn things around and come together with my sacred partner Darrin, the most amazing man I've ever met (we’re celebrating 7 years together this month, by the way!❤️❤️)
But it doesn't have to take you 20 years to turn this around.
Because there's a simple, 3-part formula to magnetizing your greatest love to you while staying in the magnificent space of your own heart (i.e., not your head, which can be so quick to self-sabotage😖).
Here's the formula (drumroll!):
Inner Prep
Aligned outer steps
Staying the course (even in the face of disappointments and heartache)
It's what I teach in my online program, audio courses, and private client work.
I’m working on a new course now that will feature success stories from past Insight Timer students and clients who followed that formula and got results WAY beyond anything I ever predicted…
But I couldn't wait any longer to share some of those success stories with you… After all, it's Valentine's Day, and you deserve a Love Pick-Me-Up!💕✨💫
When you read the snippets of success stories below, I hope you can see yourself in them…Because all these people were once standing exactly where you stand now – single, following me on Insight Timer, and hoping for love with all their heart.
They are you in your future.
And you are them in their past.
Ready to look at to the Magic Mirror that will show you your future with love?
Here goes!
“It was immediate. We had a phone call first, and I knew then he was my person. When we met the next day I couldn’t even look him in the eyes cause I thought he was so beautiful - it was like looking directly into the sun. We started living together and our relationship blossomed quickly and organically. I got my dream job and everything fell into place. We are building the home and family my heart has longed for. So many of the things you recommended were so helpful - the love playlist, challenging inner beliefs around love, trusting the process, even through heartbreak, helped me shift my perspective to “I am getting closer to my sacred one.” I’ve always wanted to thank you for what you’re doing to help others find their sacred partners.”
– Monica, former Insight Timer student
"I wanted to let you know that I found my guy! It's been such a magical experience and so unexpected. Everything you taught is spot on. And while it took me some time to be open and ready to meet this man, it was definitely worth the wait. What's interesting is the moment I let my ex completely go, I felt free – and this happened a couple weeks after. Wow! So powerful and such a learning experience I hope to share with others who hold onto something that is not serving their best intentions.
In June, I wrote a letter to the Universe about the man I wanted to meet. Jason is that man. I read it to him and it brought tears to his eyes. I wanted to thank you so much for everything. You helped kick off this journey for me. To be ready, to help love myself first, and dive deep into healing my past so I could be the best version of myself to meet this man. It really is a matter of faith and belief that we deserve the best.”
– Kelly, former client and Insight Timer student
“Thank you for creating a safe space for love to flourish in my life. I am now in a beautiful relationship with my sacred partner, thanks to the healing work I have done. I feel like I've done a total 180. Thank you so much for supporting me through the dark periods. Sometimes clouds will come and sometimes they can obstruct the sun, but the sun is always there and it always returns. I also really appreciate your teaching about equanimity, not flying too high and not thinking too low, finding that middle ground along the surface of the water. I am forever grateful for your unwavering support and faith!”
– Laura, former client and Insight Timer student
Success stories help build your belief with love – and that's key to getting love.
When I was single, I would collect love success stories like little jewels I would keep in my pocket.
Every once in a while, I would take them out and turn them around in my mind.
And then I'd whisper to myself: they were once just like me – and then they found love. Maybe I can too.
And guess what? You can too.
I bet next February, your sacred partner is going to blow you away with their Valentine's Day gift to you, the love of their life.
My goodness, you deserve it.
You’ve been through enough.
Do you have your own nightmare Valentine's Day story, like mine?
Leave a comment below and tell me all about it!
Christina McMahon is a love coach and certified somatic counselor. Over the past seven years, she has helped hundreds of conscious singles remove inner barriers to love and step into the love life they desire and deserve. Schedule your free consult call with Celeste, Christina’s Client Care Specialist and discover if love coaching is the right path to your Big Love.