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Want a  love life worthy of  wonderful you?

You’re closer than you can imagine. If you’re ready to reclaim your worthiness for love, feel excited and confident about dating again, and ultimately come together with the love of your life, you’ve landed in the right place.

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You feel frustrated and burnt out with dating. You’re tired of meeting people who either don’t treat you well or just plain don’t excite you - while the “good ones” leave you behind. Nothing seems to “stick.”

  • You’ve watched so many friends finally find love, and you can’t figure out why it isn’t working for you. 

  • You don’t understand how you keep attracting the same kind of person or relationship into your life, when it only brings you pain and disappointment.

  • You feel powerful in other areas of your life - career, personal growth - but utterly lost with love and relationships.

  • You know what you want in a partnership, but you feel like giving up because you have no idea how to get there.



I believe that magical, mind-blowing, lasting love is available to everyone. You’re about to find out how.

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Look, I get it. Dating can wear you down.

I went through it all. The long dry spells, the time spent in relationships going nowhere, and the endless weddings and holiday parties you have to go to alone. I know how confusing and painful it feels. And how that tiny voice inside of you whispers: "What's wrong with me?"

Actually, everything is right with you.

And the more you connect with the part of you that feels radiant, whole, and worthy of a healthy partnership rooted in mutual love and devotion, the closer you get to it.

I know because I walked this path myself, and my soulmate and sacred partner, Darrin, was waiting for me on the other end. Four years later, we are blissfully married and recently welcomed our spunky baby girl named Ruby into our lives.

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As a certified counselor and energy healer, I've helped hundreds of conscious singles feel amazing about themselves again, completely transform the dating and relationship patterns that were keeping them stuck, and attract in true love.

Ready for all that goodness in your life?


 Everybody deserves love. Everyone deserves to be cherished for exactly who they are.

Even if you’ve been deeply unhappy with relationships in your past, I’m here to tell you that your past does not predict your future with love.

You don’t have to do this alone.

Here’s how we can work together:


Opening to Sacred Love

Online Program

Join this life-changing journey, which guides you through 7 modules that offer a powerful combination of inner prep for live and outer steps toward love. That’s what it takes to welcome in the conscious partnership you’re longing for.

You’ll discover that your journey to love can be just as fun and exhilarating as your destination.

5-Day healing journey for love

One-on-One Work

A customized retreat experience to support your highest transformation in love, dating, and relationships.

This 5-Day Journey offers the flexibility to fit into any work schedule. It also gives you the ultimate level of support for achieving your highest goals in love and partnership and finally step into the love life you deserve.

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So how do you move from relationship misery to a romantic partnership beyond anything you’ve ever imagined?


Even if you’ve been deeply unhappy with relationships in your past, I’m here to tell you that your past does not predict your future with love.

When we work together, we'll follow this roadmap to success with love.

You Will:



Discover how your subconscious beliefs about love have been driving your choices and patterns with dating and relationships.



Dissolve those old beliefs using a powerful clearing technique focused on your body, your emotions, and your energy field.



Create new beliefs about love that reflect your true worth and essence, and anchor them into your body so you can attract differently.



Learn how to date joyfully, authentically, and in a targeted way for your sacred partner.


A lifetime of love and happiness begins with a first step.

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 Client Love

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Ready to finally find your One?

Sign up for my mailing list, and you’ll receive my FREE Dating Mastery Toolkit for Lasting Love!

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